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Twitter is Twitterific

So, I joined up with one of those new Web 2.0 Social Networking sites called Twitter (, and I said to myself, what a silly idea! The first thing is who cares about what I am doing now (posting to my blog, if you must ask, sheesh!). The second thing is what a pain it would be to visit the website each time to post what you're doing all the time!

So like I was saying, it's been a month or so, and then this little free application for Macintosh OS X called Twitterific is released. It is small and sits in your menu bar tray at your desktop's top right-hand side. When it's on-screen, it's tiny and nice-looking, so it stays open on my desktop. This thing makes it easy to post what you're doing now. I still don't understand the big fuss about this Twitter website, but what do I know? It won the best blog idea at South By Southwest ( It's a vast annual media, film, music, design, blogging, web developer conference in Austin, Texas.

So okay, Twitterific is installed and running, and I guess I will play your silly little game! If you're bored and looking for someone to stalk, you can follow my every move at

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